Research Steps
KKU Research Skills Enhancing Hub or “KKU Research Hub” is an innovative digital platform designed to collect various forms of resources that enhance skills necessary for conducting research. Researchers can find resources or recommended tools for each step of the research journey by checking each module of KKU Research Hub. The resources collected can be in forms of PDF files, VDO lectures, recommended articles from open-sources, AI and non-AI tools for research, or even human Resources as “research experts” that can provide you advice on research development.

Research Spotlight
RLL06 การพิจารณาการคัดเลือกวารสารเพื่อการตีพิมพ์ (Academic Publishing)
RLL07 การเลือกวารสารเพื่อการตีพิมพ์โดยใช้ Thai Journal Finder และฐานข้อมูล TCI (Thai Citation Index)
RLL05 การป้องกันการคัดลอกผลงานด้วย โปรแกรม Turnitin สำหรับนักศึกษานานาชาติ (How to avoid plagiarism by Turnitin for International Student)
RLL04 การป้องกันการคัดลอกผลงานด้วยโปรแกรม Turnitin (How to avoid plagiarism by Turnitin) (Inter.)
RLL03 การจัดการบรรณานุกรมด้วยโปรแกรม Zotero
RLL02 การจัดการบรรณานุกรมด้วยโปรแกรม Mendeley Desktop

Book List
Full Text Article
AI-powered research and writing assistant that works best with the sources you upload
"I am a [specific role/position] specializing in [specific subfield] with [X years/relevant experience] in [specific research area]. Help me formulate [number] specific research questions exploring the relationship between [independent variable/factor of interest] and [dependent variable/outcome] in [specific context/population/setting].
The research questions should be suitable for [specific purpose, e.g., grant proposal, publication] targeting [specific funding bodies/institutions/journals]. Use [desired language style, e.g., formal academic] and ensure the questions align with [relevant standards/guidelines/frameworks] in [your field].
Present each research question with:
- The main question
- Sub-questions if applicable
- Key variables to be measured
- Potential methodological considerations"
"I am a medical researcher specializing in public health with 5 years of experience in epidemiology research. Help me formulate 3-4 specific research questions exploring the relationship between urban air pollution and respiratory health outcomes in Southeast Asian cities. The research questions should be suitable for a grant proposal targeting the National Research Council of Thailand and international health organizations. Use formal academic language and ensure the questions align with current WHO air quality guidelines and public health priorities.
Present each research question with:
- The main question
- Sub-questions if applicable
- Key variables to be measured
- Potential methodological considerations"
"I am a mechanical engineering researcher specializing in renewable energy with 8 years of experience in solar technology. Help me formulate 3 specific research questions exploring the relationship between novel photovoltaic materials and energy conversion efficiency in tropical climate conditions"
Prompt example3
"I am a clinical psychology researcher specializing in cognitive behavioral therapy with 6 years of experience in anxiety disorders. Help me formulate 3 specific research questions exploring the relationship between social media use and anxiety levels in adolescents."