Step 2:
Literature Review

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ผู้แต่ง | ไพจิตรา ล้อสกุลทอง |
พิมพลักษณ์ | 2557 |
หัวเรื่อง | |
ผู้แต่งร่วม | กิตติภูมิ ภิญโญ |
เลขมาตรฐานสากลประจำวารสาร | 2229-192X |
แหล่งที่ | วารสารยุพรัตน์ 4, 2 ( เม.ย - มิ.ย. 2557) 79-91 |
ผู้แต่ง | ชัยเสรฎฐ์ พรหมศรี |
พิมพลักษณ์ | 2557 |
หัวเรื่อง | |
เลขมาตรฐานสากลประจำวารสาร | 0125-4960 |
แหล่งที่ | วารสารนักบริหาร 34, 1 (ม.ค.-มิ.ย. 2557) 11-22 |
หมายเหตุทั่วไป | บทคัดย่อภาษาอังกฤษ |
Full Text Article
Without a literature review, there can be no research project. Literature reviews are necessary
to learn what is known (and not known) about a topic of interest. In the respiratory care profes-
sion, the body of research is enormous, so a method to search the medical literature efficiently is
needed. Selecting the correct databases, use of Boolean logic operators, and consultations with
librarians are used to optimize searches. For a narrow and precise search, use PubMed,
MEDLINE, Ovid, EBSCO, the Cochrane Library, or Google Scholar. Reference management
tools assist with organizing the evidence found from the search. Analyzing the search results and
writing the review provides an understanding of why the research question is important and its
meaning. Spending time in reviewing published literature reviews can serve as a guide or model
for understanding the components and style of a well-written literature review. Key words:
research; literature review; biomedical research; database; PubMed; MEDLINE; search engine; evi-
dence; index medicus; journals; literature synthesis; bibliographies; medical literature review. [Respir
Care 2023;68(11):1576–1584. © 2023 Daedalus Enterprises]
A literature review chronicles conceptual and empirical achievements within a re-
search stream. An excellent literature review accomplishes much more. Excellent
literature reviews not only explain advances within a research stream (“summarize
and synthesize”) but also provide a conceptual framework that captures the key ele-
ments of the research (“conceptualize”) and lay a foundation for future inquiry that
can accelerate progress in advancing knowledge (“energize”). We accomplish two
main tasks in this editorial. First, we offer details about what constitutes an excellent
literature review. Second, we summarize the four literature reviews contained in this
special topic forum and explain their excellent features.
Despite the advantages of literature review and the abundance of texts
that discuss it, there is still a gap in critical reflection on its methodologies
and uses. My goal in this editorial is to reflect on the practice of literature
review in the administration field from a critical perspective. The literature
review I am referring to is not just a set of techniques for conducting it;
it is a collective doing among scholars, producing specific knowledge. By
drawing on concepts such as fad, methodologism, and decolonial critique,
we can conclude that contrary to the common belief among researchers,
following rigid protocols in literature review does not necessarily lead to
new knowledge. Instead, it reproduces pre-existing ways of thinking about
a topic, which can inhibit reflective and critical thinking about research
This paper discusses the question about how to write a literature review paper (LRP).
It stresses the primary importance of adding value, rather than only providing an overview, and it
then discusses some of the reasons for (or not) actually writing an LRP, including issues relating to
the nature and scope of the paper. It also presents different types of LRPs, advises on reporting the
methodology used for the selection of papers for review, and the structure of an LRP. An important
conclusion is that the heterogeneity in LRPs is very large. This paper also presents some of the aspects
that the authors feel are important structural and contextual considerations that help produce high-
quality review papers.
For researchers unaccustomed to using grounded theory methodology (GTM), it can be
daunting. To help address this issue, in this article we present a dialogue between a doctoral
candidate who is using GTM and an academic who has experience working with this methodology.
Through dialogue, we tackle several important points relating to the methodology, focusing on two
key aspects which often create challenges for researchers new to GTM: 1. how and when to
engage with existing literature, and 2. what significant implications which using this methodology
has for the overall written structure of a grounded theory study, not simply the presentation of the
grounded theory itself. This format, which ends with a reflection on the dialogue, aims to facilitate a
clearer understanding of the methodology, clarify problematic issues, and offer practical guidance
on how to apply it, thereby shedding light on "the long, rocky walk through the dark forest of the
research process using the GT methods" (WU & BEAUNAE, 2014, p.249).
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"I am a medical researcher specializing in public health with 5 years of experience in epidemiology research. Help me formulate 3-4 specific research questions exploring the relationship between urban air pollution and respiratory health outcomes in Southeast Asian cities. The research questions should be suitable for a grant proposal targeting the National Research Council of Thailand and international health organizations. Use formal academic language and ensure the questions align with current WHO air quality guidelines and public health priorities.
Present each research question with:
- The main question
- Sub-questions if applicable
- Key variables to be measured
- Potential methodological considerations"
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